Detection means the technology is able to detect drones. Detection alone usually isn’t enough though. A radar that detects drones may also detect birds, for example.
Classification means the ability to separate drones from other types of objects – like planes, trains, and automobiles, for example.
Identification means the ability to identify a particular model of drone, or even identify the drone’s or controller’s digital fingerprint, like a MAC address for example. This level of identification can be handy for prosecution purposes.
Beingalerted that a drone is present somewhere in the vicinity is already useful. But your situational awareness, and ability to deploy countermeasures is greatly enhanced if you know the drone’s (and/or the controller’s) exact location.
Tracking– means that once a UAV is detected, classified and identified, its behaviour is continuously monitored. This is particularly important for real time situation awareness and the ability to deploy appropriate countermeasures at the most appropriate time. This information is always recorded for future forensic and training purposes.
Neutralisation – means that according to the situation awareness scenario, the most suitable countermeasure (jamming, kinetic, sniper, interceptor UAV, drone catcher eagle) should be deployed. In some cases, taking no active counter measures but governing forensic data could be the most appropriate countermeasure (for example, neutralising advertising or TV drones during mass public events).
What Needs Protecting:
Fixed Permanent
Known Locations
Constant Protection
Fixed Temporary
Known Locations
Temporary Protection
Changing Locations
Constant Protection
High Value Assets
The “Attackers”
Legal drones flying in wrong place due to an error